VSBDO: The Solution |
The most significant challenge to overcome is the skilled Veteran’s lack of start-up capital. Providing this capital is where the Veterans Small Business Development Organization (VSBDO) provides support. By raising seed and start-up funds for qualified candidates, we enable the “Vet-repreneurs” to re-enter the workforce as small business owners.
We also provide access to supplemental training and ancillary business services to offer the returning Veteran a significant competitive advantage. Our team of seasoned businessmen carefully review and select appropriate candidates and programs that optimize the Vet-repreneur’s chance of success.
Combined with their excellent character and stamina enhanced by military service, the skilled veteran now has tools most start-up entrepreneurs lack. Our objective is to provide returning Veterans a significant advantage in starting a small business. This will help accelerate the local economy and create additional self-employed jobs. Our impact will improve as these Vet-repreneurs hire fellow Veterans and people in need of employment.
The VSBDO is actively working to solve the problem of Veteran unemployment through public and private donations earmarked for the express purpose of providing “start-up” capital to Vet-repreneurs.